Airfields on the Air (TBC)

Willingale Airfield Willingale Airfield, Chipping Ongar, Essex, United Kingdom

Airfields on the Air is organised by the Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society (RAFARS). RAFARS exists to promote and foster amateur radio activities within the Royal Air Force and through Amateur Radio, to […]

Windmills On The Air (TBC)

Thaxted Windmill Thaxted Windmill, Thaxted, Essex

On a weekend in May each year radio amateurs set up stations in windmills and watermills all over the country. Apart from being an exciting time for those involved, the […]

Railways on the Air (TBC)

Epping Ongar Railway Epping Ongar Railway, Ongar Station,, Station Approach, Ongar, Essex, United Kingdom

Railways on the air (ROTA) weekend usually takes place every year on the weekend closest to the 27th September. This date celebrates the anniversary of the first steam powered passenger […]